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In God We Trust

Edwin Shank

Good morning Dear Family Cow Friends,

In these times of global wobbliness, have you noticed that one thing does seem constant? That thing is fear. It’s all around us, it’s everywhere we turn.

Fear of war, fear of inflation, fear of just basic uncertainty... even some lingering fear of COVID.

And all for good reason some may say. There is a lot to worry about! It fills our news, it fills our conversations and for many it seems to fill their hearts.

Maybe it is time to refresh our spirits with this bit of "wisdom that comes from above." Listen to these powerful words from II Timothy," God hath not given us the Spirit of Fear; but of Power, and of Love, and of a Sound Mind."

Fear is not from God! Power, Love and Sound minds are!

We cannot help but feel the fear. That much is true. Fear is a very basic human emotion. Refusing to acknowledge the niggling feeling we all recognize is denial at best, and false macho bravado at worst.

But still, we do not need to succumb to fear. We do not have to respond in 'the spirit of fear.'

Fear is real... but it dare not be our deciding factor.

Fear is normal... but it doesn’t need to master us.

Fear is around us… but it must not control us.

Here is another favorite verse our congregation recently has decided to make into wall art and place on the front wall of our church auditorium.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee." ~ Isaiah 26:3

Trust, yes trust. "In God We Trust." So easy to say. Just four words. So easy to print. So easy to choose as a national or church or family motto. So hard to do.

But so necessary for peace.

Think about it... and then just DO it! Trust! :)

I hope you don’t mind that I share this. My own soul needs this advice so often too. May you be blessed and may God be glorified as you meditate on these thoughts.

Below is a short flash back to a message that I sent at the beginning of the COVID panic... in many ways it fits for today just as well.

Peace and Blessings,

Your Farmer ~ Edwin

P.S. I'm also sharing a family favorite song, Never Be Afraid by the Martin Brothers of Pensacola, Florida. If you enjoy the inspiration you may access their full album here.

Fear Not Tomorrow

Written April 3, 2020

I'm not going to even pretend that life is normal. It's not. I'm 50 years old and I've never seen times like these. I've talked with some who are 80 and they've never seen times of uncertainty like this either.

So we are in new territory. None of us really know what is ahead of us. But I do have a feeling that the people and relationships in our lives are going to be more important and special to us than ever before.

And I also know this. We have a God who does know the future and He is in control. So even when our human panic wants to rise, if we instead choose Faith and Trust and Hope in Him, peace and calmness of soul is possible. Yes! Peace even in the middle of COVID's reign of fear.

Since we are in new territory, please allow me to share some food for the soul. Food for the body is good. But in times like these, it's food for the soul that we all really need.

So to each of you... may I suggest that wherever you are, sit back, relax and take seven slow, deep breaths. When you have finished, please take a moment to listen and meditate on the message of this song: Fear Not Tomorrow... God Is Already There

I hope it speaks peace to you.

I typed out the lyrics of the song below for better reflection. Read it and meditate while you listen and let the words sink in.

This song was Courtney's idea. Courtney Lehman is a friend from our church who has been a part of The Family Cow team for close to 4 years. She answers a lot of your email and phone questions, so if you have corresponded with our farm, it's likely that you've talked or emailed with her.

Anyway, I know Courtney loves music and likes to sing so I asked her if she had a special song that she thought fit these troublesome times. This is the one that she sent me. So if you like it also... thank Courtney! :)

Here is wishing Faith, Hope and Health to each of you.

As always, feel free to share these posts with others. Use this link.


Your farmer ~ Edwin

Real Farmers. Real Caring. Real Foods.

Fear Not Tomorrow

In this age of uncertainty...

Questions come to my mind...

What is waiting ahead for me?

And the rest of mankind?

Fear not tomorrow!

God is already there!

He's charting the course you'll take.

He sees each hidden snare.

He's waiting to guide you

Through each burden and care.

Fear not tomorrow!

God is already there!

Are you troubled over things to come?

Is your future unsure?

Are you dreading the coming dawn?

A long day to endure?

Fear not tomorrow!

God is already there!

He's charting the course you'll take.

He sees each hidden snare.

He's waiting to guide you

Through each burden and care.

Fear NOT Tomorrow!

God. Is. ALREADY. There!



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