Weddings Among Plain Folks - behind the scenes photo story
Today I'm offering you a very personal behind-the-scenes glimpse into the simple preparations, community togetherness and God-centeredness..
Weddings Among Plain Folks - behind the scenes photo story
If you want to understand the Anabaptist
Not this man!
Why do your women look plainer than your men?
What DO Mennonites do for Christmas?
No, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus
My Plain Dilemma
Facing the Light
Do Mennonites Have Walls Around Their Communities?
Down on My Knees
"When I consider Thy heavens..."
More than Necessary
How do courting couples meet?
Courtship among us plain folk
Plain People and Conscientious Objectors
Of Peace Churches and War Taxes
Aim High and Don't Look Back
Dear Edwin, I have three questions
Jesus Didn't Tell People to be Christians
The Quiet Time that Wasn't