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The motivation to share our "faith, inspiration and values" via this blog came from the "soul and spirit" type of questions our Family Cow, organic food customers have sent us over the years.

Our family passion and vision for almost 20 years with our regenerative farm and foods has been: "To grow healing foods by God-honoring farming methods; to nudge forward healing, wellness and strength by providing nourishment for the body, food for the soul and inspiration for the spirit.”

Of course, our "healing foods from God-honoring farming" mission touched mostly the "nourishment for the body" portion of our vision. And that was a great place to start. But with this blog we hope to address the other side of our healing and wholeness vision which lies beyond the physical.

We've decided to name this "Food for the Soul" because we think that connects well with what folks have already come to expect from us… pure, healing, rejuvenating, God-honoring foods for the body. This will be similar, except it will hopefully be pure, healing, rejuvenating and God-honoring food for the soul.  

Something we find really amazing, and we didn't even see this one coming, is that the same motto which we've used for years to explain the why behind our food and farming applies perfectly for this soul healing vision too!  

“God Designed it… We Respect it… That Explains it!”

May you be blessed as you seek Wisdom. May whatever you find here nudge you a little closer to that Wisdom which is from above. May you find whatever inspiration we share here to be truly food and healing for your soul.

As you find answers to what your heart is seeking, pass it on!  “Freely ye have received, freely give!”

Edwin and Dawn Shank and Family

“Freely ye have received, freely give.” ~ Jesus Christ, circa 33AD ~  Matthew 10:8

P.S. We don't have a "contact us" page set up yet, but you can feel free to send us an email any time at

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